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Week in Review: Reading Week, Triumph Quote, Teething Popsicles, Dolphin Banana

Just in case you missed our Mom Team posts from Facebook, check out our their picks from the week below.

From Central Jersey Working Mom

In honor of Reading is Fun week, we share with you a photo that captures beautifully, the essence of reading and igniting imaginations. If time permits this week, set up a make shift tent and share your passion for reading with your Fancy Girl!
Reading Week Tent


From The Harried Mom

…always believe in herself and know that she can do it!
Quotes about Triumph


From A Bubbly Life

…have a fancy popsicle! Hope you enjoy these popsicles I made for my teething fancy girl!
Blackberry Orange Mint Popsicles


From Cake It Up, LLC

Be a Fruity Patooty! Start your Girls now with Natural Organic fruit and make it fun by a simple “slip of a banana.” Who doesn’t have a watermelon and a banana laying around during the summer? I had one older banana. But I like that he as spots. Chirps…xo Birdie Click here for the dolphin banana inspiration.

Dolphin Banana in a Watermelon


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