DIY Craft Ideas Friday Fresh Picks

Friday Fresh Picks: Color Your Own Wrapping Paper

I don’t know about you , but we’ve hit a birthday party boom in our house. We have parties booked for almost every weekend through March, and I’m sure they’ll keep coming. Not that I mind though; the girls get home from school or activities so late that there’s never time for playdates.

When it comes to wrapping presents, we usually just use gift bags to save time, but it doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate a good quality wrapping paper. On a recent visit to Tuesday Morning, one of my favorite indulgences, I discovered color-your-own wrapping paper by Loft 213 thrown in among the rest of the paper goods.

Friday Fresh Picks: Color Your Own Wrapping Paper

This paper was obviously appealing to the adult coloring book crowd, but I immediately thought this would make a fun project for my girls to work on together. My older two have a few adult coloring books from the holidays that they prefer over kids’ coloring books, so I knew they would recognize the black and white design of the paper. If you’re looking for an activity to keep 3 kids of varying ages busy for at least 20 minutes, this is perfect! Check out how the paper looks before and after below, and then scroll even further to see where you can get similar products.

Friday Fresh Picks: Color Your Own Wrapping Paper Friday Fresh Picks: Color Your Own Wrapping Paper


Friday Fresh Picks: Color Your Own Wrapping Paper Friday Fresh Picks: Color Your Own Wrapping Paper Friday Fresh Picks: Color Your Own Wrapping Paper Friday Fresh Picks: Color Your Own Wrapping Paper

Below are a mix of products and DIY options for coloring your own wrapping paper (*this list contains affiliate links)

Friday Fresh Picks Bloggers


Friday Fresh Picks are hand-picked favorite items, reviews and highlights from the amazing women you see above.

Visit their websites to learn about other amazing picks from this week!

Sarah from Finnegan & The Hughes

Jessica from A Southern Mother

Sheila from Pieces of a Mom

Hilary from A Fancy Girl Must

Tina from Life Without Pink


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