Friday Fresh Picks Reviews

Friday Fresh Picks: 10 fun summer reads for girls age 6-9

School is out in a week and the girls are already excited about the local library’s summer reading contest. I’m sure most libraries have something like it where kids read a certain amount of books, track their progress, and hand something in to receive a prize. The girls don’t usually need the incentive to read books that they’re interested in, but a little competition doesn’t hurt! My eldest daughter recently discovered the Babysitters Club graphic novel series and is now hooked on that style of writing. Plus – she loves getting to know the book characters (and I’m so thrilled she’s finally reading it too!). I have been trying to get her to read Nancy Drew too since she loves mysteries (this is the girl who watches Matlock in the morning), and now that series is in graphic novel form too! My middle daughter loves animals and recently discovered the Dog Diaries series. She is also a fan of the American Girl Doll books too. If your Fancy Girls have similar interests or if you’re looking for some fun reads for the summer, below is a list of 10 books that my girls love. Please comment with what your daughters are loving too!

Friday Fresh Picks: 10 fun summer reads for girls age 6-9

Maddy’s Picks (Age 9)

Nancy Drew Graphic Novel Series

Double Feature by Julia DeVillers and Jennifer Roy

Dear Dumb Diary Book Series by Jim Benton

Because of Winn Dixie by Kate DeCamillo

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library by Chris Grabenstein

Catherine’s Picks (Age 6)

Dog Diaries Book Series by Kate Klimo

Ivy & Bean Book Series by Annie Barrows

American Girl Doll Book Series – I got a lot of the originals on eBay


Friday Fresh Picks Bloggers

Friday Fresh Picks are hand-picked favorite items, reviews and highlights from the amazing women you see above.

Visit their websites to learn about other amazing picks from this week!

Sarah from Finnegan & The Hughes

Sheila from Pieces of a Mom

Hilary from A Fancy Girl Must

Heather from Daze and Knights

Kimberlee from The Millennial Mom Blog


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