DIY Craft Ideas

DIY Stamped Thank You Cards

DIY Stamped Thank You Cards

Here’s a quick, easy and cute DIY project for making Thank You cards. It’s something I’ve been holding on to for awhile now, but since my middle fancy girl’s birthday party was last weekend, I figured now is the perfect time to share. I always just buy cards (I love the fill-in-the-blank cards which save A TON of time for the little ones), but for whatever reason I was in the mood to make custom cards for when my eldest had her party. We were making a trip to Michael’s anyway….

So here is what the finished card looks like with different paper…

DIY Stamped Thank You Cards DIY Stamped Thank You Cards




And here is what you need to do it:


DIY Stamped Thank You Cards

  1. A pad of colorful scrapbook paper in whatever color/patterns you want.
  2. A stamp that says “Thank You
  3. Black ink pad (or whatever color you want)
  4. Paper cutter
  5. Pencil
  6. Ruler or envelope to use as your measuring tool


  1. Measure and cut your paper to your desired size. I would make it so it fits in a standard envelope.
  2. Take your stamp and get creative! My daughter used her gel pens to color in the letters, but you can always leave it as is.
  3. Let the ink dry and then write your message.
  4. Sign, seal and then deliver!

DIY Stamped Thank You Cards DIY Stamped Thank You Cards DIY Stamped Thank You Cards DIY Stamped Thank You Cards DIY Stamped Thank You Cards DIY Stamped Thank You Cards


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