Decor DIY Craft Ideas

3 Ways to Transition Your Child’s Room to New Colors

3 Ways to Transition Your Child's Room to New Colors - A Fancy Girl Must

Of the many changes that happened for my eldest when she started Kindergarten, perhaps the one with the biggest impact on our life and my wallet was her sudden dislike for all-things pink. From clothing to to shoes to school supplies, she didn’t even want to look at anything that had pink in it. I didn’t take this too well at first considering that her entire closet was basically filled with pink stuff, not to mention her whole room was painted pink! (I should also note that I have left the walls of my other two girls as-is after learning from my mistake) But I had to realize that a) she was growing up, and b) if you looked in my closet, the main colors you see are blue and black which further explained where some of the influence was coming from. My eldest has a slightly more mature style in general and will list her favorite colors as: blue, white and green. Since that time, I’ve gradually phased her room away from the Princess-Ballet loving girl and into something a little more pre-tween. Below is a list of 3 ways that I’ve done that and how you can too:

1) Tissue Paper Pom-Pom Flowers: In the corner of her room, I’ve had big pom-pom flowers left over from one of her birthdays. To update to her current faves, I added some blue/teal flowers to the mix.
3 Ways to Transition Your Child's Room to New Colors - A Fancy Girl Must

2) Bedding: Right around the time when all these changes were happening, I was contacted by a rep for The Novogratz about their new bedding line with Walmart. It was like kismet that the bedding they sent me was an aqua chevron print that not only met with my eldest’s approval, but also worked well with the color of her walls. Bedding is a great way to change up the look of a room for a low cost. You can even do duvet covers and swap them out by season.

3 Ways to Transition Your Child's Room to New Colors - A Fancy Girl Must

3) Wall Art: For a few years, we’ve had a ballerina picture on the wall, but my girl is more into jazz and hip hop lately. While she loves dance, ballet is not really her thing. So instead, I swapped out the picture with a canvas that she actually did herself when she was younger. It’s fun and colorful and also goes well with the pink walls. I’ve been doing seasonal art with the girls to rotate in our playroom, and I can see doing more custom canvases for the bedroom too. It’s a great creative bonding experience for us, and it is another low-cost way to update the room.

3 Ways to Transition Your Child's Room to New Colors - A Fancy Girl Must

If you have a child who is going through a color transition, how have you made the accommodations in his/her room? I would love to know and/or see your ideas!


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