Friday Fresh Picks Reviews

Friday Fresh Picks: 3 Books for Kids Who Love Facts and History

Books for Kids Who Like Facts and History

My eldest Fancy Girl loves to know all.the.things. She is so curious and interested in learning. She always wants to look something up (whether I want her on the computer or not), and she’s interested in history, facts and things. She loves jotting down notes from non-fiction books and sharing what she has learned. Recently at the bus stop, she brought one of her favorite books (which is #1 on the list) to show the other kids all the facts! A great moment was when a group of kids surrounded her on a ledge to read along with her. It was such a throwback moment to see kids surrounding each other to read a BOOK instead of watch a video on a tablet. If you have a child who gets just as excited about non-fiction topics, historical fiction and facts in general, below is a list to get you started for this holiday season.


Friday Fresh Picks

  1. Children’s Encyclopedia, New Edition, Usborne Books: This is one of the books that comes with us on long trips. The cool thing about it, is the QR Code that your child will see appear on every page to take them to video and other multimedia.
    Books for Kids Who Like Facts and History
  2. I Survived: The Sinking of the Titanic 1912 by Lauren Tarshis: My daughter was first introduced to historical fiction chapter books with the Magic Tree House series, and one of the books was about The Titanic. She was intrigued and fascinated by the disaster and took to learning more about it. That’s when she found the I Survived books. This tells the story of 10-year old George and his little sister Phoebe whose excitement aboard The Titanic quickly turns to disaster.
    Books for Kids Who Like Facts and History
  3. National Geographic Kids 5000 Awesome Facts (About Everything): This is another good one for the car. When the Scholastic Book catalog came home (again), my daughter wouldn’t give up her desire for this book. Normally, I don’t purchase books from the catalogs (unless it’s around the holiday or it’s a donation directly to the classroom), but since she wanted a book about things, and was genuinely excited about it, how could I tell her no?
    Books for Kids Who Like Facts and History











What are some of your kids’ favorite non-fiction/historical fiction/fact books?

Friday Fresh Picks Bloggers


Friday Fresh Picks are hand-picked favorite items, reviews and highlights from the amazing women you see above.

Visit their websites to learn about other amazing picks from this week!

Sarah from Finnegan & The Hughes

Jessica from A Southern Mother

Sheila from Pieces of a Mom

Hilary from A Fancy Girl Must

Tina from Life Without Pink


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