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2016 Holiday Gift Guide: Harper’s Gift Picks for Other 10 Year Olds

Harper's Gift Guide for 10 Year Old Girls

It’s Day 6 of the 2016 Fancy Girl Holiday Gift Guide! This year is all about gift guides by real Fancy Girls. Day 1, my eldest shared her list for 8 year olds, Day 2 my middle daughter did a list for 6 year olds, Day 3 were gift picks for 3 year olds like my youngest, and Day 4 was a list of 3 unique stocking stuffers. In keeping with the Real Fancy Girls theme,  I am sharing gift guides from the daughters of some of my blogger friends over the next few days. Yesterday’s gift picks were put together by Hayley, the daughter of Finnegan and the Hughes founder/editor Sarah Hughes. And today, for Day 6, we have Harper, age 10, who is the daughter of Pieces of a Mom founder/editor Sheila Hill! Meet Harper and shop her picks below.

Harper's Gift Guide for 10 Year Old Girls

Harper loves lacrosse, reading, and animals, especially cats and bunnies. Is an adventure seeker who has sky diving on her list of things to do when she is old enough. Loves the outdoors including riding her bike, going for hikes in the woods, and beachcombing for sea glass where we live.

Harper's Gift Guide for 10 Year Old Girls

  1. Luxury Lush Pud, Lush Cosmetics 
  2. adidas “Superstar” Sneaker, Nordstrom
  3. Huffy Girls’ Good Vibrations 24″ Cruiser Bike, Dick’s Sporting Goods 
  4. Vineyard Vines She Shirt – Royal Ocean, Saks Fifth Avenue
  5. Hug a Panda Kit, Barnes & Noble 


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