Designer Spotlight Fashion

Breaking the Mold with Trucks in Tutus

When my first born was little, she liked your typical “girl” stuff like princesses, tutus and all things pink. When daughter #2 came along, I wasn’t expecting her to fall head over heels for Thomas the Tank Engine – she even had a Thomas party when she turned 3. Even though she enjoyed wearing dresses, tutus and girly colors, she also preferred playing with trains and building blocks. My third born – who has a favorite princess dress – also had a preference for Thomas and still enjoys playing with cars and trucks with the kids in class. For your Fancy Girls who love their planes, trains and automobiles, meet Trucks in Tutus. The idea for the apparel company came from a bedtime story that founder Katie Taylor made up to include the interests of both her son and daughter.

“The idea for Trucks in Tutus was sparked by a bedtime story negotiation with my daughter and son. My daughter wanted a princess and my son, a truck. To appease them both, I told a story of a royal ball. All the people (and trucks) throughout the land were invited. Of course, the trucks wore their finest gowns and smartest suits to the event…The story was a big hit with the kids, and it stuck with me. I loved the idea of a truck in a tutu, and was inspired to create a line of clothing that would break down gender stereotypes. We want to create choices for our children in so many ways—our line allows a girl to dress up and have her trucks too!

Trucks in Tutus breaks the mold, by reimagining historically boys images on beautifully designed, girls’ clothing (newborn to 6). Not only do we use the finest quality fabrics and embellishments, but also our line is proudly manufactured entirely in NYC. All components of our pieces are quality tested for safety and durability.”

Shop online at trucksintutus.com and follow them at @trucksintutus on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.


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