Health & Wellness

Back-to-School Tips for Eating Well from Terra Wellington

Terra Wellington Back to School Eating Tips

Going back to school is usually a chance to restart or reset all those good habits that may have been put on the back burner during summer. In addition to getting on a sleep schedule and getting organized with homework, projects and all the other activities our kids do, it’s also important to have a good eating schedule. A good eating schedule should also include some introduction or education on the benefits of healthy eating. Not all kids will choose healthy options if they had to pick for themselves and that is why it’s important as parents to make smart choices for them.

Fortunately we have some easy tips on making the transition back to school a smooth one from editor-and-chief of SimpleMomsGuide.com, Terra Wellington. Terra regularly appears on morning TV and radio programs across the nation to talk about healthy living and environmental issues. Below she discusses how to incorporate Jarlsberg cheese, Beanitos Mac N’ Cheese Crunch snacks and a Mavea MicroDisc Filter into your family’s meal plan.

What are some of your kids’ favorite snacks and lunches? Share your ideas below!



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