
Valentine’s Day Clothing for Girls That’s Full of Heart

When I was little, my mom would always surprise us with a few little gifts on Valentine’s Day. They were never anything big (when boxers worn as sports-wear were popular, my sister and I got a pair ), but just something to brighten our day and show us some love. By far my favorite gift were THESE heart-shaped glitter jelly bracelets that I’m still trying to find to get for my girls. Seems as though they are only available in Throwback Pinterest boards or in solid colors, no glitter. AS IF!  But getting back to my point, my mom always did, and still does, like to surprise us with something that she thinks we’ll like (I have a number of Ann Taylor tops and my girls always have seasonal jackets and shirts from Gap thanks to her!) I’ve adopted that habit as well (though it’s not always kind on my credit card), and look forward to smaller holidays in order to get my girls something fun and festive. For Valentine’s Day, I’ll usually get them heart-themed crafts, socks, and/or hair things, but if I see something with a heart print for them to wear, and it’s a decent price, I’ll pick it up for them as well. As I mentioned before with holiday dress shopping, I do like getting clothes that are not overly tied to wearing just on the holiday. Thankfully the heart-print motif is popular year-round and can be found in a variety of colors, textiles, and patterns. When your girls are babies and toddlers, you can get away with going heavy on the heart theme, but as they get older, their color & style preference becomes a little more neutral. But they will always love getting a gift, especially when they know it was given with love. Below are some clothing gift ideas for baby girls through tweens.

How do you celebrate Valentine’s Day with your kids?



Valentine's Day Clothing for Girls That's Full of Heart | AFancyGirlMust.com

1. Heart Print Ruffled Top, $9.09, Gymboree | 2. OshKosh B’gosh® Heart-Print Jumper , $19.99, JCPenney | 3. XO (Adult & Kids) White Poly-Cotton T-Shirt, $22-24, Hello Apparel | 4. Baby Heart Sweater Dress, $39.95, Gap | 5. Heart Print Fleece Dress for Baby, $14, Old Navy | 6. Carter´s Newborn-24 Months Heart-Accented Top & Skirted Leggings Set, $13.99, Dillard’s


Older Girls (Through Tween)

Valentine's Day Clothing for Girls That's Full of Heart | AFancyGirlMust.com

1. Crew Neck Heart Sweater, $17.80, Forever21 Kids | 2. Derek Heart Long Sleeved Heart Hi-Low Top, $10.97, Amazon | 3. Heart Graphic Tee, $16.95, FabKids | 4. GUESS Girls’ Lace-Heart Jeans, $49.50, Macy’s | 5. Cheetah Heart Fleece Nightgown, $25.98,Justice | 6.  Girls Heart PJ Pants, $24.95, Gap   | 7. Heart Print Dress, $10, Forever21 Kids 


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